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Original Art

To view more of of Tara's Artwork click here. Prints onto canvas, tote bags, yoga mats, puzzles and more are available for purchase. All original channeled artwork on this website is created by Tara Arnold. Scroll down page for Artist Statement and Biography. 

To inquire or purchase original artwork, email:
For prints click here. 

Please note: The price listed for each original painting is in CAD funds. ( Plus taxes where applicable ) All originals are unframed. Each painting is shipped with a Certificate Of Authenticity. Artist will ship Internationally. The price of shipping charges vary per country. 

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'The Battle Within'

Channeled artwork about the covid19 pandemic - The channeled message for this painting is : Everyday we create wars in our minds and blame someone outside of ourselves for our situations. We then decide we need to stick up for ourselves. We gear up with our weapons, armor, and unkind words. We fight for our rights and battle it out with others in order to keep our egos satisfied. Spirit asks : If one stopped blaming someone else for their own creations... if one decided to look within themselves to fix the situation instead of going outside of oneself would one still require all of the weapons, armor, and unkind words ? 

Title : 'The Battle Within'
Medium : Acrylic on Canvas 
Dimensions: 8 x 10 x 1 inches
Price : $1500


'Without A Name'


Channeled artwork about the covid19 pandemic -  The channeled message for this painting ‘ Without A Name’ is about loss of identity and attachments during the pandemic. Loss of jobs, isolation, social distancing and closing of businesses caused the human collective to let go of many identities and attachments. The Ascended Masters suggest to ask yourself ‘ Who am I without an identity? ‘ Asking this question to yourself will awaken you to see your truth and expand your consciousness.

Title : ' Without A Name '
Medium : Acrylic on Canvas 
Dimensions: 10 x 8 x 1 inches
Price : $1500


'In The Blood Of Eden'

Channeled artwork about the covid19 pandemic - The channeled message for this painting  'In The Blood Of Eden' is that the spiritual awakening on planet  earth will begin shattering belief systems based on gender. Many of the the new earth children will begin questioning their gender and sexual identity ; Thus breaking down belief systems that we are unequal based on gender. It will shatter the illusion of identities and attachments to the way humans think things 'should be.' 

This channeled song/ lyrics that came through for this painting is 'In the Blood Of Eden By Peter Gabriel Click Here To View lyrics 


Title : ' In The Blood Of Eden '
Medium : Acrylic on flat Canvas
Dimensions: 8 x 8 inches
Price : $1400


'Hour of Darkness'

Channeled artwork about the covid19 pandemic - The channeled song/lyrics that came through for this for this painting is of Mother Mary and the song Let It Be / The Beatles

Songwriters: Paul Mccartney / John Lennon
Click Here to View the Lyrics


Title : 'Hour Of Darkness'
Medium : Acrylic on Canvas

Dimensions: 11 x 14 x 1 inches
Price : SOLD

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'The Lonely Starseed'

Channelled artwork about the covid19 pandemic - this song / lyrics came though for the painting :

You’re Only Lonely

Songwriters: John David Souther

Click Here to View the Lyrics


Title : ' The Lonely Starseed '
Medium : Acrylic on Canvas
Dimensions : 10 x 10 x 1 inches
Price : $1800


'The Little Drummer Boy'

Channelled artwork about the covid19 pandemic - The channeled message for this painting was that this pandemic would begin a shattering of ego consciousness for humanity.  Unfolding the coming of a new way, the birth of a new consciousness on planet earth.  Every human being will be shattered of their ego illusion perception and awaken to remembering who they are as consciousness. The ascended masters point out that we are all worthy, we are all equal. There is not one better than another and we will all begin to see this as the universe begins to shatter the fear based systems in society. All of the structured systems, such as the political, religious, medical, and educational  ones will begin to crumble as we awaken to see the truth of the lies within each one. This will create a 50 / 50 divide until the tipping point and more love can be anchored onto the planet. Enjoy the show ! 

This song / lyrics came though for the painting : :

'Little Drummer Boy'

Click Here to View the Lyrics

Title : ' Little Drummer Boy '
Medium : Acrylic on Canvas
Dimensions: 11 x 12 x 2 inches
Price : $2200


Artist Biography :

Tara is an intuitive artist who discovered her love for painting 18 years ago. She is a self taught artist, with the exception of a few workshops. Her passion is in the creation of the art. It brings her to a meditative state in which she feels a strong connection to spirit. All of her work is guided by the divine and contains the energetic vibration of healing. Being a trance channel medium, as Tara channels each painting, she receives messages from spiritual guides about the painting, and the healing energies that are channeled into it. Tara enjoys working with mixed media, encaustic, charcoal, acrylic, and pastel. She loves the unknown outcome of mixing different mediums and textures. Tara is drawn to trees and water and has an innate need to live surrounded by nature in order to tap into her creative channel. She is most inspired by her husband, Mike, a writer and musician. He gives her continuous encouragement and support. Tara and her husband currently reside in Canada.

Artist Statement : Artwork Series : Pandemic Art 

This series of Artwork was channeled by me with The Ascended Masters. ( Divine Spiritual Guides) Some were channeled previous to the pandemic, as premonitions and visions of the upcoming Covid19 pandemic. Some paintings were channeled during the duration of the pandemic. During the painting process, the Ascended Masters tell me the name of the painting and the channeled message, that goes with it. Sometimes, the message will come trough in the form of music. I hear the music, they tell me the song and lyrics, and tell me messages of guidance for the humanity at this time. Other times it is a specific message with no music. Each person that purchases a painting will also receive a channeled message from the Ascended Masters specifically for them if they choose to receive one. 

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