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About Tara Arnold

Meet Tara...

Tara Arnold

Tara Arnold is an Intuitive Artist and Conscious / Trance Channel Medium. As a Medium she channels messages of universal knowledge and divine healing energy. As an artist, Tara channels this energy into her artwork. Tara works with the Ascended Masters and consciously / trance channels Universal messages of love and guidance from Ascended Master St.Germain. Their messages are here to assist humanity to remember who they are as conscious beings during this ascension / awakening process on planet Earth. Tara's empathic and intuitive abilities include : clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairscent, and clairgustance. Tara is inspired by her husband Mike Arnold, who is a talented Voice Artist and Musician. They work as a team on their endeavors and are a constant support for each other. 

Tara's educational background and credentials include;  Conscious / Trance Channeling, Reiki Master Healer, Basic Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chakra Balancing, Journeying, Emotional Freedom Technique, Aura Perception, and a Diploma of Nursing. Tara was employed as a Registered Nurse for 12 years while studying and training in energy healing and natural therapies. She resigned from nursing in 2013 to work independently. With her educational knowledge and intuitive abilities, Tara works with you to release physical and emotional blockages; empowering you to create a life you desire. 

Tara Arnold does not claim to heal or cure any disease or illness with any of her services. Tara Arnold's sessions are not a replacement for medical treatment.

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